River Omens

Sam Cox is a graphic designer and documentary maker. His work revolves around the intersection of landscape, identity and religion. A Raleigh native, Sam received his BA in graphic design from North Carolina State University and currently operates a graphic design studio called Diagram Office that focuses on maps and information design. His design worked has been featured by NPR and Fast Company Design, and has appeared in WIRED and CMYK magazines. Outside of the studio he studies and performs improv comedy.
What are the natural sign posts of the land?
How can we open our senses to the “signs” that the land posts for us?
How do adventurers and hunters read the landscape for signs?
In an attempt to answer these questions, Epicenter staff connected me with Clarence Smith: a Green River local and expert boatsman. I wanted to know how he views the river, and what signs he looks for while traveling the waterways. The interview has been edited into a 5-minute documentary (River Omens), which premiered at the John Wesley Powell Museum alongside the “Our River is Our Community” exhibit on Saturday, July 18.
River Omens short film by Sam Cox.